Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Countdown to the End of Freshman Year

I can't believe it, but my freshman year at college is almost over. We have just about a month left. It seems like this year just flew by, but I guess that's what happens when your having fun .
Now everyone is starting to worry about finals, and grades at the end of the year. I have to make sure that I keep my GPA up high enough to keep my scholarship. I'm pretty sure that I'll be fine though.
The weather is finally starting to get nice outside, and this past week everyone was outside. People were playing Can-Jam, football, volleyball, soccer, and lacrosse, or they were just chilling in the sun. The Brockport campus is a great place to be when the weather is warm and the sun is shining. I myself played frisbee, football, lacrosse, and some volleyball on the sand court outside my dorm.
So right now I'm just waiting for the end of the year to come, and while I look forward to the
summer, I know I will really miss Brockport when I'm gone.

(The first two pics are caricatures of my friends done by an artist on Carnival Day.)


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