It’s really awesome here at The College at Brockport. Now I know I’m probably a little biased, but really, the campus is beautiful. Definitely one of the prettiest I’ve seen, if not the prettiest. But the amazing campus is not the reason I chose Brockport, only one of the many helpful factors. I chose to attend Brockport for two main reasons. The first being the awesome journalism program they have here. I’ve known I’ve wanted to do some sort of writing since

I was really little. Then as I got older I decided I wanted to do journalism. As of now I'm considering a career in the magazine journalism field, but who knows where I’ll end up. That’s actually one of the reason I chose Brockport. They offer so many different classes and programs that can help me to decide exactly what kind of journalism I’m interested most in. Brockport has everything from newspaper and magazine journalism to broadcast journalism. So for me, that’s perfect. I’ll get to explore a little, experience some new things to see exactly what it is I want to do. Which, to me, is exactly what college should be

about. The second reason that I chose Brockport was for the tennis team here. I’ve been playing tennis since about 7th grade. Having tried practically all sports at one time or another, I can honestly say tennis beats them all. No offense to any other sports… I do love the occasional softball and soccer game as well, but tennis pretty much kicks butt. When making that super important decision on exactly what college I should go to, tennis played a huge part. I knew I wanted to play in college, but as all other athletes know, a lot of factors go into choosing. The team, the coach, the talent, all really important things to consider. But after all that debating I chose to play at Brockport, obviously. My coach, Ed Gonzalez, is awesome and all the girls on my team are great. We just had our first match a few days ago, and although we lost it was still really good. Joining the tennis team was great; it practically gave me an instant group of friends who I love being with. Plus, being an athlet

e I got to move into the dorms a week early, so I got to choose my side of the room first. I can say already though, that it’s a lot of work being on a sports team and having classes. Between practices, games and then classes and work, I sometimes find myself wondering where the day went. But it’s something I want to do, so I know I’ll make it work.
The first two weeks here went by really fast. The first week for me was actually just pre season. Tennis, tennis, tennis and then… oh yeah, more tennis! But I did love almost every second of it. Then came Welcome Weekend. The people who put on the Welcome Weekend activities really did a fine job. Clearly a lot of work and effort was put into making this weekend such a success. The College filled the weekend with activity after activity. Along with all those activities came even more hilarious ice breakers. I mean, who doesn’t love super awkward ice breakers that require you to hug random freshman? Or actually I think the best one was when we all had to sit on each other. Yes, literally sit on each other. Thank you, Saturday's Playfair! All jokes aside however, those awkwa

rd ice breakers really do pay off. It’s a crazy, silly and sort of stupid way to get to talk to people. During that one weekend, I feel like I met practically every freshman. But after that weekend, the fun ended. Haha, sorta. Really, just classes began. I know everyone says, “Ooh College the workload is so hard blah blah”. In all honesty, those people are right. The workload already is a lot. Yet, it’s also nothing that so far, I can’t handle. One thing that everyone will stress to you that’s so true: it’s honestly all about time management. Don’t spend six hours on face book when you should be studying for Sociology!
So all in all college is a success! So far that is. But really, I don’t anticipate my love for Brockport going away anytime soon. This is an awesome place that I look forward to being at for the next four years. So, until next time!
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