Well, this has been a pretty busy semester! I made the Dean's List last semester and I'm hoping to make the Dean's List with Honors this semester! I just finished my last final and i'm getting ready to pack up and move out. However, let me tell you what I've been up to this past few months...
I became a student host this February. Unfortunately, I did not have time to host any student, however, I was glad I was given this wonderful opporunity. I completed the Green Leadership Certificate Program finally! I will move on to the Gold Leadership Program next year. Also, I am one of the new peer mentors for incoming freshman! I hope to provide as much support and guidance to my mentees next year that my peer mentor did for me this year
One of the coolest things I did this semester was attend the annual EUROSIM Conference. EUROSIM which consists of mock simulations of the European Union to better understand this unique entity. There is an annual conference that is alternated between the US and Europe with over 200 students from 22 universitites in both Europe and the United States. I attended this year's conference at Widner University in Chester, PA in which my alter-ego was Dimitris Reppas, an economic minister from Greece, who is part of the EPSCO Council. As a first time participant in EUROSIM, I thought it was such a great experience. It's not everyday that you get to meet ans socialize with people from several different countries, cultures, and backgrounds. It really helped me to understand the way the European Union functions in an interactive environment. We got to present our experience of the trip on Scholar's Day which I think is pretty cool. I'm really excited to attend next year's conference which will be held at the University at Wroclaw, Poland!!!
Brock-the-Port was this past weekend. It was so exciting and amazing! I've never had so much fun in my life and it's a good way to relax and enjoy the weekend with your friends before Finals Week begins. I know it was a good way to celebrate all the hard work I did this semester!
This year has been one of the most rewarding and exciting experiences of my life. I've met so many great friends and had so many wonderful experiences during my freshman year at Brockport, especially in McLean Hall and Delta College! I hope the freshman next year enjoy their freshman just as much as I enjoyed mine. I'll miss you Brockport